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Serbian proverbs / Srpske poslovice

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Srpske poslovica

English translation

English equivalent

Ako ne počneš nećeš ni završiti. If you don’t start, you won’t finish
Batina ima dva kraja. (Računaj na to da se i tebi može vratiti onako kako (loše) činiš drugima) A stick has two ends. (Beware that you can get it back the same way if you harm another person)
Batina je iz raja izašla. The beating stick came from heaven. Punishment is sometimes necessary and with purpuse.
Besposlen pop i jariće krsti. (Ako neko nema ništa važno da radi, počet će raditi nevažne ili bespotrebne stvari.) An idle priest will start baptizing goats. (If someone is without real and important tasks, he will undertake unimportant or senseless activities.) The Devil finds work for idle hands.
Bez muke nema nauke. (Treba se potruditi da bi se steklo znanje) Without suffering, there is no learning. No pain, no gain.
Bog je prvo sebi bradu stvorio. (Onaj ko ima moć, prvo podmiruje svoje potrebe) God first created a beard for himself. (Meaning that everybody looks after themselves first) Charity begins at home.
Bog visoko, a Rusija daleko. God is high above, and Russia is far away. (Meaning that help is far and unlikely)
Bolje grob nego rob. (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje podčinjenosti toliko nepodnošljive da je bolje umreti.) Better the grave than (to be) a slave. (The slogan created during resistance against fascism. It is believed that some subservience is so unbearable that it is better to die)
Bolje ikad nego nikad Better ever than never. Better late than never.
Bolje rat nego pakt. (Parola borbe protiv fašizma. Smatra se da postoje toliko zle sile da je bolje s njima ratovati nego uspostaviti savez) Better war than pact. (The slogan created during resistance against fascism. It is believed that some forces are so evil that it is better go in war against them than to cooperate with them.)
Bolje sprečiti nego lečiti. (Skuplje je popravljati greške nego ih spriječiti) Better to prevent than to have to cure. (It is more expensive to correct mistakes than to prevent them) An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Bolje vrabac u ruci, nego golub na grani. A sparrow in the hand is better than a pigeon on the branch. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Čovek je čoveku vuk Man is man’s wolf Homo homini lupus est. (Latin equivalent)
Čovek snuje, Bog određuje. Men wishes(dreams), but God decides. Man proposes, but God disposes.
Da padne na leđa,razbio bi nos. If he fell onto his back, he’d broke his nose.
Dala baba dinar da se uhvati u kolo, a dva da se pusti. Grandma gave a dinar to dance, and two to stop. Be careful what you wish for.
Daleko od očiju, daleko od srca. Far away from eyes, far away from heart. Out of sight, out of mind.
Gde ima dima ima i vatre. Where there is smoke, there is a fire, too.
Gde ima smeha bude i plača. Where there is laugh, there will be crying too.
Gde ti mnogo obećavaju, malu torbu ponesi. Where people are promising much to you, bring a small bag. Similar to - There is no free lunch.
Glava u oblacima. (To have the) head in clouds. To have one’s head in the clouds.
Gvožđe se kuje dok je vruće. Iron is worked when it’s still hot. Strike while the iron is hot.
Igračka plačka. Where there is laugh, there will be crying too.
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